Thursday, March 11, 2010

Small and Simple Things

I was talking with my boss today about customer service and my recently acquired fascination with it.  He chuckled as he recalled several years ago when we began working together and I routinely expressed my desire to be away from the customers, that the customers were always interrupting me, and that I couldn't get anything done with them around (I obviously had the wrong perspective, without customers I wouldn't have a job).  I began to quickly explain from whence my fascination has arisen.  I told him something along the following lines:

I am not interested in customer service simply because I like people (though I generally do).  What really interests me is how small acts of customer service can and do impact the financial statements.  A quick smile, a wave, a spirited "Hello!  I'm glad you're here" can make a huge difference.  Maybe that customer was having a rotten day and because you took 15 to 30 seconds to acknowledge them (in a positive and friendly manner) the day ended much better.  A brief interaction can leave a lasting impression.  30 seconds can make all the difference.  One customer retained (especially in higher education) is worth thousands of seconds of friendliness.  That one customer equals thousands of dollars in revenue that year and in the years to come and saves the recruiting team thousands of dollars (not to mention hours) in finding and bringing a new body to campus.  This is what fascinates me, how the small and simple things make a HUGE difference in people's lives and on the financial statements.

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